How to Opt Out of a macOS Developer or Public Beta

How to Opt Out of a macOS Developer or Public Beta
Apple MacBook with the display halfway closed
Omar Tursic / Shutterstock

How to Opt Out of a macOS Developer or Public Beta: If you’re the adventurous kind, you might be tempted to run a macOS beta to try out new features. But if you’re facing stability issues, here’s how you can opt out of Developer and Public betas on your Mac.

Opting out of macOS Developer or Public beta simply takes you off of the beta seed channel. It means that you won’t receive any additional beta updates. It doesn’t actually restore your operating system to the stable version.

The best time to jump out of the beta program is after updating to the Golden Master (GM) version of the beta. During the update process, you’ll see the “GM Seed” text in the macOS version name. This way, you can update to the next stable macOS build when it comes out.

If you’re fed up with the beta and you want to go back immediately, you can do so by restoring your Mac. It will automatically download the latest stable version of macOS, and as long as you have a Time Machine backup, you can restore your Mac to the way it was.

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To opt-out of the macOS Developer or Public beta channel, open System Preferences on your Mac. To do this, click the Apple icon from the top-left corner of your screen, then select the “System Preferences” button.

Select System Preferences from menu

Here, go to the “Software Update” section.

Select Software Update

From the left side of the screen, click the “Details” button.

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Click Details button from Software Update

From this popup, click the “Restore Defaults” option.

Click Restore Defaults

Once you enter your device password, macOS will unenroll you from the beta program. You won’t receive any future beta updates, but the current beta build installed on your computer will continue to function.

When the next stable version of macOS is released publicly to consumers, you’ll be able to install it from the System Update section in System Preferences.

If you’re running iOS or iPadOS Public betas, you can leave the beta channel on your iPhone and iPad as well.

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Lucila is a freelance writer and lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to study new things. She enjoys checking out the latest grammar books and writing about video games more than anything else. If she's not running through Colorado’s breathtaking landscape, she's indoors hidden away in her cozy game room trolling noobs and leveling up an RPG character. She is a Final Fantasy IX apologist (although she loves them all… except XV), coffee aficionado, and a bit of a health nut. Lucila graduated from Western Kentucky University with a B.A. in English Literature with a minor in Creative Writing.

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