How to Hide Your Online Status in WhatsApp

How to Hide Your Online Status in WhatsApp

How to Hide Your Online Status in WhatsApp: By default, WhatsApp shows your friends whether you’re online now or when you were last online. If you prefer, you can hide your status..

Maybe you just want to check your messages without letting people know you’re online. Maybe you want to keep people from knowing when you’ve read their messages. Or, maybe you’re concerned about the privacy implications of the rising number of services that let people track your status and even try to guess which of your friends are messaging each other. Whatever the reason, let’s look at how to hide your WhatsApp status.

Note: We’re using Android for the screenshots here, but the process is almost identical on iOS.

On Android, open WhatsApp, tap the three little dots in the top right corner, and then select the “Settings” command. On iOS, just tap “Settings” in the bottom bar.


Click the “Account” category, and then click the “Privacy” setting.


Select the “Last Seen” entry, and then select the “Nobody” option.


Now, no one can see when you were last online using WhatsApp. One caveat is that you won’t be able to see when anyone else was last online either. Personally, I think this is a pretty fair tradeoff, but if you must know whether your friends have logged in recently or not, then you’ll need to let them know when you’ve logged in.

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Lucila is a freelance writer and lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to study new things. She enjoys checking out the latest grammar books and writing about video games more than anything else. If she's not running through Colorado’s breathtaking landscape, she's indoors hidden away in her cozy game room trolling noobs and leveling up an RPG character. She is a Final Fantasy IX apologist (although she loves them all… except XV), coffee aficionado, and a bit of a health nut. Lucila graduated from Western Kentucky University with a B.A. in English Literature with a minor in Creative Writing.

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