How to Automatically Sync Save Data Between Nintendo Switches

How to Automatically Sync Save Data Between Nintendo Switches
Nintendo Switch console in-hand
Niphon Subsri/Shutterstock

Nintendo Co., Ltd. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics and video game company headquartered in Kyoto. The company was founded in 1889 as Nintendo Karuta by craftsman Fusajiro Yamauchi and originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. After venturing into various lines of business during the 1960s and acquiring a legal status as a public company under the current company name, Nintendo distributed its first video game console, the Color TV-Game, in 1977. It gained international recognition with the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985.

Since then, Nintendo has produced some of the most successful consoles in the video game industry, such as the Game Boy, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the Nintendo DS, the Wii, and the Nintendo Switch. It released numerous influential franchises, including MarioDonkey KongThe Legend of ZeldaKirbyMetroidFire EmblemAnimal CrossingSplatoonStar FoxSuper Smash Bros., and Pokémon.

Nintendo has multiple subsidiaries in Japan and abroad, in addition to business partners such as The Pokémon Company and HAL Laboratory. Both the company and its staff have received numerous awards for their achievements, including Emmy Awards for Technology & EngineeringGame Developers Choice Awards, and British Academy Games Awards among others. Nintendo is one of the wealthiest and most valuable companies in the Japanese market.

Moving Cloud Save data between a primary Nintendo Switch and a secondary console can be a time-consuming annoyance. Thankfully, you can automate the syncing process and keep save data up-to-date on both Switches—even in Sleep Mode!

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First, navigate to your Nintendo Switch’s home screen. This can be done by quitting your game or pressing the Home button on your right Joy-Con controller. Then, in the toolbar, select the gear icon to open the System Settings menu.

From the Home Menu, select System Settings

Scroll down and select the “Data Management” tab.

Select Data Management

Choose the “Save Data Cloud” option found at the bottom of the list.

Select Save Data Cloud

Choose the user you’d like to modify.

Select the User you'd like to modify

Select the “Settings” tab.

Select Settings Tab

Finally, turn on both “Automatic Save-Data Backup” and “Automatic Save-Data Download.” You’re all set!

Set both options to On!

Your Nintendo Switch may require you to manually download and upload a cloud save for initial setup, but after that, any Cloud Save compatible titles will automatically sync their save data across all your Switch devices!

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